Nutrition And Body Health

Monday, June 19, 2023

Diet of Sex

 Diet of Sex

Many people look to their diet to increase their sexual desire, improve their ability to have sex, and increase the pleasure they get from sex.

While research indicates possible links between particular foods and better sex, those seeking the best food for sex should ensure they are eating a balanced, heart-healthy diet.

Research suggests that following this heart-healthy diet can improve certain aspects of sexual health.

Some foods contain nutrients that may benefit your sex life. This can include oysters, nuts, seeds, and apples, among others.

Having a healthy sex drive is linked to feeling physically and emotionally healthy, so it’s no surprise that the foods you eat play a role in boosting your sex life.

A nutritious diet can benefit your sex life in many ways:

  • boosting your libido
  • improving blood flow and heart health
  • improving your stamina

Eating a diet rich in vegetables and lean proteins — and low in foods that contain sugar and saturated fat — can also help to prevent disorders that affect your libido, like metabolic syndrome and hormonal conditions.

These foods are packed with nutrients that can perk up your libido and may improve your overall health, too


The reason for this is that oysters are high in zinc. This compound increases blood flow, which may aid blood flow to the sex organs.

Zinc may be especially important in male fertility, as it helps regulate testosterone levels.

According to a 2018 reviewTrusted Source, zinc deficiency has a negative effect on testosterone levels.

Oysters contain more zinc than any other food source, with one serving providing 673%Trusted Source of your daily value.

If you’re not a fan of mollusks, try lobster or crab instead. Both types of shellfish are loaded with zinc.

Non-seafood sources of zinc include:

  • beef
  • pork
  • baked beans
  • pumpkin seeds
  • cereals fortified with zinc

At the end of the study period, both male and female participants displayed an average 24 percent increase in salivary testosterone levels. They also experienced improvements in mood and blood pressure.




Certain meats

Eating meats, or other foods that contain specific amino acids, could help improve your sex life.

Various high-protein foods — including beef, chicken, and pork — contain compounds that help to improve blood flow, such as:

  • carnitine
  • L-arginine
  • zinc

Smooth blood flow is crucial to sexual response in people of all genders.

In particular, a 2019 reviewTrusted Source suggests that arginine supplements could help treat mild to moderate erectile dysfunction (ED).

Keep in mind, though, that eating too much red meat can be bad for your heart.

Serve up some animal-based protein (in moderation, to avoid increasing the risk of heart disease) to help keep all systems running smoothly in the bedroom.

If you’re following a vegetarian diet, you can get these nutrients from whole grains and dairy products, including milk and cheese.

Carnitine and L-arginine are amino acids found in various high-protein foods. Whole grains and milk are especially good sources of zinc.


Salmon is well known for having heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

The pink-fleshed fish, as well as sardines, tuna and halibut, could play a role in keeping your body, and your sex life, healthy.

Omega-3s help prevent the buildup of plaque in your arteries, according to a 2017 review Trusted Source. This promotes healthy blood flow throughout your body.

Keeping the circulatory system working smoothly reduces the risk of certain diseases that impair sexual function.

A large 2020 Cochrane review says that omega-3 fatty acids slightly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease events and death, and reduces triglycerides (fats) in the blood.

Fish is also a great source of protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and iron. It also contains zinc.

To help keep your heart and body healthy, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source recommend getting at least two servings of fish per week.

Nuts and seeds

Instead of candy, try snacking on a handful of nuts and seeds.

Cashews and almonds are chock-full of zinc, while a host of healthy snacks contain L-arginine to get your blood flowing.

Try the following:

  • walnuts
  • pumpkin seeds
  • sunflower seeds
  • pecans
  • hazelnuts
  • peanuts


Apples are rich in a compound called quercetin. This antioxidant, a type of flavonoid, may offer a number of health benefits.

As far as sex goes, quercetin plays a role in:

  • promoting circulation
  • treating ED
  • managing the symptoms of prostatitis

2016 review Trusted Source reports that quercetin can successfully lower blood pressure at doses greater than 500 mg per day.

High blood pressure can leadTrusted Source to sexual dysfunction because blood vessel damage impairs blood flow to the genitals. This is one cause of ED.

In fact, a 2016 study Trusted Source reported a 14% reduction in ED in males who had a higher fruit intake. This may be due to their flavonoid content.

In females, high blood pressure can lead to a lower libido and less interest in sex, particularly if it causes fatigue. Lower blood flow to the vagina can affect how their body responds to sexual activity.

Overall, a diet rich in flavonoids to boost your overall health and keep your sex life healthy.



Healthful foods rich in flavonoids include:

  • apples
  • strawberries
  • blueberries
  • dark-colored grapes
  • red wine
  • cherries
  • citrus fruits


Beetroots are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making a healthful addition to any diet. They’re also high in dietary nitrates, which means they could help boost your sex life.

Dietary nitrates expand the blood vessels, a process known as vasodilatation, which improves blood flow. This has beneficial effects on muscle contraction. Because of this, some athletes use nitrates to boost performance.

Some studies Trusted Source even suggest that just one dose of beetroot juice, or doses over a few days, could improve people’s performance at intermittent, high-intensity exercise, with short rest periods.

Research Trusted Source also suggests that the dietary nitrates from beetroot juice can help manage blood pressure. The researchers say this can benefit people with healthy blood pressure and those with hypertension.

These same mechanisms could, in theory, also help to improve blood flow and stamina during sex, while improving your heart health overall.

Other foods high in nitrates include:

  • spinach
  • arugula, also known as rocket
  • cress, also known as garden cress
  • lettuce
  • celery
  • radish


testosterone-boosting foods

 Fatty fish and fish oil

The United States Department of Agriculture recommend that people eat seafood twice weekly. Fatty fish may be especially beneficial because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. A person can also boost their fatty acid levels by taking fish oil or omega-3 supplements.

Results of an animal-based study Trusted Source from 2016 indicate that fish oil can increase the quality of semen and the serum testosterone levels in dogs by improving their fatty acid profiles. A study Trusted Source in mice reported similar findings.

Examples of fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids include:

  • Atlantic mackerel
  • herring
  • salmon
  • sardines
  • trout


Onions may provide many health benefits, from supporting the heart to slimming the waistline. They are also good sources of several nutrients and antioxidants.

In addition, onions may increase low levels of testosterone. In a 2012 study Trusted Source with a rat model, researchers found that a daily intake of fresh onion juice for 4 weeks significantly increased serum total testosterone levels.

However, determining the effects in humans will require further research.


The pomegranate is an age-old symbol of fertility and sexual function, and its antioxidant levels may support heart health and stress reduction.

Also, results of a study from 2012 indicate that pomegranate may boost testosterone levels in men and women. Sixty healthy participants drank pure pomegranate juice for 14 days, and researchers tested the levels of testosterone in their saliva three times a day.

Leafy green vegetables

Vegetables such as spinach, Swiss chard, and kale are rich in magnesium, a mineral that may increase the body’s level of testosterone.

Authors of a study Trusted Source from 2011 found that taking magnesium supplements for 4 weeks prompted an increase in testosterone levels of sedentary participants and those who were athletes. The testosterone increases were greater, however, in the active participants.

Other good dietary sources of magnesium are:

  • beans and lentils
  • nuts and seeds
  • whole grains

Other ways to boost sexual desire,


  • losing weight, for people who are overweight
  • exercising regularly
  • building muscle through resistance training
  • getting enough sleep
  • reducing stress
  • speaking to a doctor about testosterone therapy
  • Avoid fried foods.

It's no secret that fried foods are bad for our waistlines, but they can also have a negative impact on libido."Not only are greasy foods bad for a healthy diet, but they can also affect our sex drives," nutritionist Frida Harju told Cosmopolitan. "The trans-fat found in most fried foods is known to decrease the libido in both men and women by increasing abnormal sperm production in men and interferes with gestation in women."

Healthy diet promote sex life.

Fueling your body with the right kinds of food can help boost your mood and energy levels to support a healthy relationship and sex life. For optimum health, eat a nutrient-rich diet that’s low in trans fats, saturated fats, added sugars, and sodium. Eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and lean proteins. To avoid gaining weight, don’t eat more calories than you burn in a day.

There are also a handful of supplements that promote sex life.



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